Most studies of alcohol consumption patterns and alcohol-related problems a
mong college students have failed to include a diagnostic measure based on
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criteria.
Applying the DSM-IV standards would facilitate an analysis of the prevalen
ce of alcohol-use disorders and individual symptoms of those disorders. A s
tructured diagnostic interview based on DSM-IV criteria (the alcohol sectio
n of the Substance Abuse Module) and several alcohol screening instruments
were administered to 306 undergraduate students at an urban commuter campus
. The prevalence of current and lifetime alcohol-use disorders, individual
symptoms of those disorders, and other alcohol-related problems are reporte
d, as well as data regarding alcohol consumption patterns and binge drinkin
g. The data are analyzed in terms of demographic variables, including sex,
ethnicity, year in school, age, and marital status of those in the sample.