We performed time-evolved numerical simulations of a two-dimensional electr
on wave packet passing through a semicircular constriction (very short quan
tum wire) by solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation using the fini
te difference method to understand the nature of electron diffraction pheno
mena in semiconductors. By Fourier transformation, we calculated the time-e
volved electron wave packet in wave number space, which shows the transitio
n from the Gaussian distribution to the circular distribution having equal
energy by entering constriction. The obtained results are compared with the
results of our previous simulations of an electron wave packet passing thr
ough a rectangular constriction. By analyzing the nature of diffracted subp
eaks, the following results were obtained: (1) The intensity of the subpeak
s diffracted by a semicircular constriction is higher than that by a rectan
gular one. (2) The starting point of the diffracted subpeaks is the center
position of the narrowest width in a constriction, while that for rectangul
ar ones is the center of the constriction entrance. (3) The lateral wave nu
mber of the diffracted subpeak increases with the number n, n being the num
ber counted from the main (0th) peak which propagates straight through, alt
hough it deviates negatively from the linear relationship obtained for rect
angular ones with an increase in n. (4) There is a time delay in the diffra
cted subpeaks similar to that for rectangular constrictions. The difference
s between passing through a semicircular constriction and a rectangular one
were interpreted as caused by the reflection on the inside wall of the con
striction and the energy spread of each quantum level. (C) 1999 American In
stitute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)09122-7].