Based on analyses of responses of insects and mites to a wide range of diel
and nondiel experimental light-dark schedules, a variety of models have be
en developed for the photoperiodic clocks in these species by nearly as man
y investigators. According to some of these models, the photoperiodic clock
is based on a mechanism separate from the circadian system, that is, a so-
called "hourglass." According to other models, the clock is based on one or
more circadian oscillators that may be coupled to each other and that may
or may not show a certain degree of damping. In this context, a rapidly dam
ping oscillator could be regarded as an hourglass. The present article give
s an overview of the many different clock models and their philosophies, an
d it makes comparisons among them to provide a better understanding about h
ow these models are related, if at all, and why the double circadian oscill
ator model is the most favored model at present.