M. Simon et al., Cognitive, biases, risk perception and venture formation: How individuals decide to start companies, J BUS VENT, 15(2), 2000, pp. 113-134
Despite the high risk involved, thousands of individuals decide to start ve
ntures. Past research, however, has found that entrepreneurs do not have a
high-risk propensity, that is, a great willingness to knowingly take risks.
This study, therefore, explores how individuals cope with the risks inhere
nt in their decisions, and suggests that entrepreneurs may not perceive the
riskiness of starting ventures.
The study's findings suggest that risk perceptions may differ because certa
in types of cognitive biases lead individuals to perceive less risk. Cognit
ive biases are common types of mental shortcuts used to make judgments. Thi
s study examines three cognitive biases that previous research has suggeste
d may lower risk perception. The first, overconfidence, refers to the failu
re to know the limits of one's knowledge. The second bias tested, the illus
ion of control, occurs when individuals overemphasize the extent to which t
heir skill can increase performance in situations where chance plays a larg
e part and skill is not necessarily the deciding factor. Because the indivi
duals believe that they can control largely uncontrollable events, they als
o think they can accurately predict the outcome of the events. Finally, the
third bias, the belief in the law of small numbers occurs when an individu
al uses a limited number of informational inputs (a small sample of informa
tion) to draw firm conclusions.
This study's sample consisted of 191 students pursuing a Masters of Busines
s Administration. The students' responses to a survey based on a case study
regarding a decision to start a venture were examined. The survey included
questions about the students' willingness to start the venture, their perc
eption of the venture's riskiness, and the extent to which they exhibited c
ognitive biases in their decision processes.
The study's findings tentatively suggest that individuals start ventures be
cause they do not perceive the risks involved, and not because they knowing
ly accept high levels of risks. The belief in the law of small numbers lowe
red an individual's perceptions of a venture's riskiness, suggesting that s
ome individuals draw firm conclusions from small samples. An illusion of co
ntrol also decreased risk perception, suggesting that individuals starting
ventures might not acknowledge that certain tasks, important to the venture
's success, are beyond their control.
Some argue that biases might be associated with venture failure. If this is
the case, the very processes that increase the likelihood of starting a ve
nture may actually decrease performance Entrepreneurs may choose to minimiz
e their biases by soliciting and paying heed to the advice of outsiders, or
by using group decision-making techniques, such as devil's advocacy or dia
lectical inquiry.
Others, however, suggest that early in the decision process, biases may be
beneficial because they lower risk perception, which allows entrepreneurs t
o generate the commitment needed for success. Even if this is mle, entrepre
neurs should still institute processes to increase learning so the venture
can adjust to unfolding realities and avoid any damage caused by initial mi
sperceptions. Similarly, entrepreneurs need adequate safety nets in case th
eir biases lead them to encounter unforeseen difficulties. The potential po
sitive and negative effects of biases and perceiving low levels of risk sug
gest the importance of exploring this area further. (C) 1999 Elsevier Scien
ce Inc.