The diffuse behavior of penetrants in simple polymer melts was investigated
by molecular dynamics simulation. For the case where the polymer melt cons
isted of pearl-necklace chains, the diffusive behavior of the loose pearl p
enetrants was seen to be qualitatively different than would be expected in
realistic models of polymer melts. In particular, there was little or no "n
on-Fickian" region; the variation of the diffusion coefficient with the pen
etrant diameter was what one would expect for diffusion through small molec
ular liquids; and, finally, the long time tail of the velocity autocorrelat
ion displayed a "-3/2" power law form, also as in the small molecular liqui
d case. When the chains' backbone motion was further constrained by the int
roduction of a bond angle potential, the qualitative nature of the penetran
t diffusion became more "polymer-like." A non-Fickian region developed; the
diffusion coefficient varied more rapidly with penetrant diameter; and the
velocity autocorrelation function developed a "-5/2" power law tail. (C) 1
999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)50345-0].