The functions of international alliances are investigated by testing two mo
dels of state behavior with data drawn from nuclear and nonnuclear alliance
s since 1860. A diversity-of-goals model is based on Morrow's assumption th
at states pursue two goals through their foreign policies: autonomy and sec
urity. The second is the Olson-Zeckhauser theory that alliances provide a c
ollective good to their members. The diversity-of-goals model sees alliance
s as mechanisms for states to transfer desired foreign policy goals, so tha
t different states join alliances for different reasons. Asymmetrical allia
nces are mutually preferred arrangements between or among states where diff
erent goals are traded and are more likely to work when punishment of defec
tion is credibly threatened. Accordingly, the diversity-of-goals model shou
ld find support only in nonnuclear alliances. The Olson-Zeckhauser model sh
ould apply more to nuclear alliances. The statistical results support the h