This paper describes an objective test procedure to evaluate vibration char
acteristics of disk media at different spin speeds. In this new approach, f
requency response functions of a disk-spindle system were measured experime
ntally at different speeds through an automatic hammer and a capacitance pr
obe. In addition, the experiments were conducted in vacuum to eliminate aer
odynamic excitations, and a large number of averages was used to reduce the
bearing runouts. To evaluate the disk substrate, three vibration character
istics were extracted from the frequency response functions: modal damping,
resonance amplitude (quality factor), and integrated energy spectrum. Thre
e substrate materials were tested: NiPAl (nickel phosphorus aluminum), AlBC
(aluminum boron carbide), and glass ceramics. Both 84-mm and 95-mm substra
te materials were tested. The results show that AlBC disks have the best vi
bration characteristics (i.e., highest damping and smallest amplitude) and
that glass disks have the poorest vibration characteristics.