A system of charged particles in a harmonic trap is a realization of Thomso
n's raisin cake model. Therefore, we call it a Thomson atom. Bosonic, fermi
onic and mixed Thomson atoms exist. In this paper we focus on bosonic Thoms
on atoms in isotropic traps. Approximating the exact ground state by a cond
ensate we investigate ground-state properties at temperature T = 0 using th
e Hartree-Fock theory for bosons. In order to assess the quality of our mea
n-field approach we compare the Hartree-Fock results for bosonic Thomson he
lium with an exact diagonalization. In contrast to the weakly interacting B
ose gas (alkali vapours) mean-held calculations are reliable in the limit o
f large particle density. The Wigner regime (low particle density) is discu