A rapid screening method was developed to presumptively identify S. typhimu
rium DT 104 in naturally contaminated poultry barn environmental samples. T
his technique involves a semiselective preenrichment (chloramphenicol in bu
ffered peptone water) procedure followed by screening with Salmonella-speci
fic chemiluminescence-based detection system (IsoSCREEN(TM) Stratecon Diagn
ostics International, USA), then plating on Modified Semi-solid Rappaport-V
assilliadis (MSRV) agar plates incorporating antibiotic disks (ampicillin,
chloramphenicol and tetracycline). Environmental samples (183 total) from a
poultry barn were analyzed for the suspected presence of Salmonella typhim
urium DT 104. Of these, 141 samples were identified as containing Salmonell
a species, 9 of which were identified as Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 by b
oth the standard culture methods and the combined IsoSCREEN(TM)-MSRV antibi
otic susceptibility test (IsoSCREEN(TM)-MAST). In comparison with the stand
ard culture and antibiotic susceptibility testing techniques, which require
7-9 days to complete, the IsoSCREEN(TM)-MAST required only 3-5 days to pre
sumptively identify Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 in the samples.