Geochemical data, mostly from mudstones, are used in an attempt to investig
ate some aspects of the palaeoclimatology and provenance of the Torridonian
succession in NW Scotland. The basal part of the Steer Group, which has be
en interpreted as glaciogenic is thought to have formed in a warm arid sett
ing. The presence of oscillation ripples and desiccation cracks in mudstone
s containing isolated clasts is thought to preclude their interpretation as
ice-rafted debris. Some aspects of the major element geochemistry of the S
teer Group mudstones suggest deposition in an environment with little weath
ering, but chemical weathering is inhibited in both frigid and arid setting
s and sedimentological evidence favours the latter. The Steer Group mudston
es are enriched in Mg, Ca and Na relative to the Torridon Group samples, wh
ich are much closer in composition to an average shale estimate (PAAS). The
Cr and Ni contents of the Steer mudstones are significantly higher than th
ose of the Torridon Group samples. There is, however, no evidence that enri
chment in these elements was due to contamination with volcanic material li
ke that of the Stac Fada Member. The Scourian basement appears to be an ade
quate source of the Ni and Cr in the Steer Group sediments. Th/Sc ratios ar
e higher in the Torridon than in the Steer mudstones. This difference is in
terpreted as indicating that the Steer mudstones were largely derived from
local Archaean sources but that the Torridon Group mudstones incorporated m
aterials from a much wider provenance, including younger and recycled mater
ials. Evidence from rare earth elements also provides evidence for differen
t source terrains for the Steer and Torridon Groups. The Torridon Group mud
stones are more weathered, have a higher REE content and display a more pro
minent Eu anomaly (lower value for Eu/Eu*) than do the Steer samples. These
results support evidence from Th/Sc ratios, that the Torridon Group was de
rived from a more varied, recycled and granite-rich terrain than the Steer,
much of which appears to have relatively local provenance. The geochemistr
y of mudstones can shed considerable light on problems of provenance and pa
laeoclimatology, because many useful trace elements tend to be concentrated
in such fine grained rocks and some aspects of their major element chemist
ry may be related to climatic factors.