Industrial R&D plays a pivotal role in addressing environmental concer
ns through the development of environmentally sound processes and syst
ems. Accordingly, R&D directors need to know how well their organizati
on has institutionalized environmental awareness into the company's ma
nagement processes. A self-assessment questionnaire will allow R&D dir
ectors to evaluate their organizations. It can also be used as a tool
to guide environmental improvement. The questionnaire was used in 30 m
ajor companies. Companies that scored the highest on this self-assessm
ent measurement had three things in common. 1) Senior management was c
ommitted to environmental excellence, 2) There was an elegant fit betw
een the environmental considerations in the firms and the managerial p
rocesses used to address them; 3) Managers in these firms understood t
he financial and business implications of environmental issues.