One hundred sixty-five soldiers and civilians from the U.S. military commun
ity in Heidelberg, Germany, sought treatment for acute dermatitis from June
26 through July 2, 1995. This was 144 more than the expected number of 21
cases based on a background rate of 3 cases per day. Cases consisted of ind
ividuals who presented with a painful, itching rash distributed widely abou
t the body but concentrated in the upper half. Urticarial hairs from oak pr
ocessionary caterpillars (Thaumetopoea processionea L.) (Lepidoptera:Thaume
topoeidae) were eventually identified as the cause. This article is the fir
st published report that documents the military medical importance of these
caterpillars in Europe. The implications and measures needed to resolve fu
ture outbreaks quickly and effectively are discussed.