Experimental studies have indicated that the mechanisms offered for explain
ing the neurotoxicity of amyloid beta peptide (A beta P) are diverse, and i
nclude altered enzyme activities, disrupted calcium homeostasis, and increa
sed free radical formation. A beta P appears to interact at the cell membra
ne with a multitude of receptor sites and also inserts physically into the
membrane matrix. This membrane insertion affects the membrane fluidity and
potentially influences the function of resident membrane proteins. We propo
se a unifying hypothesis to explain the experimental observations of the di
verse cellular responses to A beta P. The indiscriminate physical insertion
of A beta P into the cell membrane unspecifically activates a host of memb
rane processes by perturbation of the membrane proteins. This recurrent act
ivation of membrane processes eventually culminates in neuronal cell death.
We recommend that successful therapeutic interventions should be directed
at reducing or preventing the interaction of A beta P with neuronal cell me