Proinflammatory cytokines, produced by the activated immune system, induce
a whole set of non-specific symptoms in the infected individual (i.e. hypop
hagia, adipsia, reduced social interest). However, evidence summarised in t
his review shows that behavioural changes induced by cytokines are not mere
ly the consequence of a degraded state but reflect motivational reorganisat
ion. If the set-up of these new priorities is expressed by a general decrea
se in behavioural activities (e.g. immobility, sleepiness), the sick indivi
dual remains nevertheless an open system still able to respond to environme
ntal stimuli. If these cues are evaluated as relevant to the new priorities
(e.g. cues from scattered pups or cues from nest material when ambient tem
perature is low), the sick individual interrupts sickness behaviour in orde
r to respond specifically to the cues (e.g. retrieving of the pups or nest
building). Once this is done, there is a return to recuperative behaviour.
These findings represent a primary characterisation of biobehavioural actio
n of immune stimuli, and they open new perspectives to facilitate further p
rogress in our understanding of cytokine effects on behaviour. (C) 1999 Els
evier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.