Purpose: To determine if follow-up methods affect the apparent success rate
of the surgical repair of involutional entropion.
Methods: A review of articles published in English between 1939 and 1997, a
nd a review of a series of 112 patients who underwent entropion repair with
a combination of a tarsal strip procedure, a partial pretarsal orbiculecto
my, and creation of an eyelid crease.
Results: Only ten of 104 published reports contained information on the met
hod by which follow-up data were attained. The apparent success rate of sur
gery in the case series declined in proportion to the effort made to detect
unsuccessful cases. Long-term follow-up office examinations revealed cases
of residual postoperative entropion that had not been detected by spontane
ous patient complaints or by telephone interviews.
Conclusion: Future reports on the results of entropion repair should includ
e longterm follow-up that includes physical examination with testing to pro
voke latent entropion.