Definition: T-cell lymphomas localized predominantly or primarily in skin c
omprise a heterogeneous group of tumors. The most frequent is fungoid mycos
T-cell tumors and growth factors: When growth factors of T-cell tumors, par
ticularly IL-7 and IL-5, were identified, it became possible to grow T-cell
tumoral clones in long-term in vitro cultures used to evidence anti-tumora
l cellular immune reactions in T-cell skin cancers. Reactional T-cell clone
s with specific anti-tumoral reactions can be expaned ex vivo. This advance
has made it possible to identify tumoral antigens and better understand th
e mechanisms leading to tumoral escape from anti-tumoral defense systems.
Therapeutic perspectives: It is now possible to develop immunotherapy strat
egies based on reinjection of T lymphocytes with specific cytotoxic activit
y after ex vivo expansion. Injections of immunogenic pep tides associated o
r not with dendritic cells or injection of DNA coding for these tumor antig
ens are other possibilities.