Protein kinases play central roles in the regulation of eukaryotic and prok
aryotic cell growth, division, and differentiation. The Caulobacter crescen
tus divL gene encodes a novel bacterial tyrosine kinase essential for cell
viability and division. Although the DivL protein is homologous to the ubiq
uitous bacterial histidine protein kinases (HPKs), it differs from previous
ly studied members of this protein kinase family in that it contains a tyro
sine residue (Tyr-550) in the conserved H-box instead of a histidine residu
e, which is the expected site of autophosphorylation. DivL is autophosphory
lated on Tyr-550 in vitro, and this tyrosine residue is essential for cell
viability and regulation of the cell division cycle. Purified DivL also cat
alyzes phosphorylation of CtrA and activates transcription in vitro of the
cell cycle-regulated fliF promoter. Suppressor mutations in ctrA bypass the
conditional cell division phenotype of cold-sensitive divL mutants, provid
ing genetic evidence that DivL function in cell cycle and developmental reg
ulation is mediated, at least in part, by the global response regulator Ctr
A. DivL is the only reported HPK homologue whose function has been shown to
require autophosphorylation on a tyrosine, and, thus, it represents a new
class of kinases within this superfamily of protein kinases.