Cross-sectional data were collected from 174 Scottish health care workers o
n a wide range of factors including neuroticism, sources of occupational st
ress, and outcome (GHQ-28 and job dissatisfaction). In the first analysis,
neuroticism was partialled out of the stressor-outcome relationships. In th
e second, a range of variables, each residualised for neuroticism, was regr
essed onto both outcome variables. In both cases, sources of stress were sh
own to relate to outcome irrespective of neuroticism. In particular, those
who experienced more pressure of work experienced more symptoms of distress
, irrespective not only of neuroticism but also of age, social support at w
ork, ways of coping with work-related problems, job satisfaction and social
desirability. The results were discussed mainly in relation to methodologi
cal issues. It was concluded that the potentially contaminating effects of
neuroticism can be controlled to some extent in a cross-sectional study.