Two radiative transfer models have been coupled to generate vegetation cano
py reflectance as a function of leaf chemistry, leaf morphology (as represe
nted by leaf scattering properties), leaf thickness, soil reflectance, and
canopy architecture. A model of radiative transfer within a leaf, called LE
AFMOD, treats the radiative transfer equation for a slab of optically unifo
rm leaf material, providing an estimate of leaf hemispherical reflectance a
nd transmittance as well as the radiance exiting the leaf surfaces. The can
opy model then simulates radiative transfer within a mixture of leaves, wit
h each having uniform optical properties as determined by LEAFMOD, assuming
a bi-Lambertian leaf scattering phase function. The utility of the model,
called LCM2 (Leaf/Canopy Model version 2), is demonstrated through predicti
ons of radiometric measurements of canopy reflectance and sensitivity to le
af chlorophyll and moisture content. (C)Elsevier Science Inc., 1999.