Streptokinase is a thrombolytic agent used very frequently for the early tr
eatment of acute myocardial infarction. A 35-year-old male with inferior ac
ute myocardial infarction was admitted to the Coronary Care Unit and treate
d with systemic streptokinase. At the time of admission, he was a healthy m
ale and he was not receiving any hepatotoxic agent. Six hours after thrombo
lysis, he developed high fever, painful hepatomegaly, jaundice and coluric
urine. Leucocytosis with left desviation was observed in the hemogram and t
he liver function tests showed slight enzimatic elevation and hyperbilirrub
inemia. This condition was progressively improving and the patient was free
of symptoms on the eighth day of evolution. Jaundice as secondary effect o
f streptokinase has been previously communicated in very few medical report