A 42-yr-old woman with dermatomyositis had two myocardial infarctions, epis
odes of acute chest pain and an acute lung oedema. These events were initia
lly misinterpreted as atherosclerotic ischaemic heart disease accompanying
the autoimmune disease. The lack of improvement of cardiac symptoms with an
ti-ischaemic and immunosuppressive drugs indicated other mechanisms. Intrac
oronary drug provocation as well as myocardial biopsy revealed a coincidenc
e of small-vessel disease and vasospastic angina as a cause for the severe
cardiac symptoms. After initiating therapy with high doses of calcium chann
el blockers, marked improvement of cardiac symptoms occurred. In the pathog
enesis of cardiac involvement in dermatomyositis, two different mechanisms
should be considered: inflammatory processes due to dermatomyositis and vas
oconstriction caused by an impaired regulation of vascular tone, such as ab
normal vessel reactivity or disturbed neuropeptide release. Signs of this g
eneralized vasopathy are Raynaud's phenomenon, Prinzmetal's angina and smal
l-vessel disease, which can coincide. In patients with severe cardiac sympt
oms and autoimmune diseases, Prinzmetal's angina should be excluded by intr
acoronary drug provocation using acetylcholine.