An appropriate Quality approach in fundamental research should have its roo
ts in the very principles of the "scientific method". Quality and fundament
al research could thus reconcile at the condition, on the one hand, that Qu
ality practioners understand and take into account the reality of the "scie
nce in action" and, on the other hand, that scientists improve their awaren
ess of the new deal which is being made between science, technology and soc
iety as well as of the actual issues of Quality. A modern Quality approach,
well adapted to this specific activity, should help both scientists, decis
ion-makers and the public face the issues concerning the role of science in
society in the future. In this context, I specify a number of practical pr
oposals concerning, in particular, the adaptation of the requirements of th
e quality approach to the type of research, the distinction between the thr
ee major steps of a research programme (i.e. quality of the objective, the
process and the results) and the encouragement of experience feedback.