We report a comprehensive investigation of native point-defects and impurit
ies in GaN, AlN, and AlGaN alloys, with the goal of understanding doping li
mitations in nitride semiconductors. Unintentional incorporation of impurit
ies (mainly oxygen) explains the tendency of nitride semiconductors to exhi
bit n-type conductivity. Silicon is the n-type dopant of choice; it remains
shallow in AlGaN up to high Al content, while oxygen undergoes a DX transi
tion. Experimental evidence for DX centers mill be discussed. In p-type mat
erial, Mg doping is hindered by an increase in ionization energy with incre
asing Al content in AlGaN, and by nitrogen vacancies acting as compensating
centers. Complex formation between magnesium and oxygen and between magnes
ium and nitrogen vacancies will be discussed.