Objective: To determine the role of MR imaging in the localization of pancr
eatic insulinomas in patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of ins
ulin-producing tumor.
Material and Methods. Thirty-one patients presenting with signs and symptom
s of pancreatic insulinomas were prospectively included in our study. Twent
y-six patients underwent surgery, and pathologic specimens were examined: 5
patients, in whom the initial diagnosis of insulinoma was excluded, were a
lso studied and then followed up. All patients were studied with a high gra
dient power 0.5 T magnet. Images were evaluated by 2 radiologists blinded t
o previous investigations, tests and results.
Results: MR imaging correctly localized 24 of the 26 insulinomas (2 were fa
lse-negative and 1 false-positive) and was correctly negative in the 5 cont
rol patients. The interobserver agreement had a kappa value of 0.89.
Conclusion. MR imaging was accurate in localizing pancreatic insulinomas an
d as a consequence, patients in our institution are now submitted to surger
y directly after the MR examination. Invasive methods are considered only i
n cases in which, despite clear biochemical results, MR imaging has not dem
onstrated a pancreatic focal lesion.