Birds that range over a large area will have a greater mass-dependent risk
of predation than more sedentary birds. Birds that travel more may then red
uce winter mass gain to compensate for the increased predation risk that gr
eater travelling entails. I tested whether European blackbirds, Turdus meru
la, that travelled more in winter had a lower mass than more sedentary bird
s, independently of any confounding effects of food supply on both ranging
behaviour and mass gain. I measured change in winter mass and amount of foo
d eaten in conjunction with the distance that blackbirds travelled to a ran
domly sited mobile feeder. Blackbirds that travelled shorter distances (per
trip and in total) and less often to the feeder had the highest mass midwi
nter relative to their spring mass. Blackbirds with a higher mean mass midw
inter also travelled, on average, shorter distances to the feeder. The dist
ance an individual blackbird travelled to the feeder at any one time was pr
obably independent of the state of its daily energy reserves (how much of i
ts daily total mass gain it had achieved at that point). The relationship b
etween distance travelled and mass was probably independent of food supply
because distances actually increased at the end of the winter and the amoun
t of food eaten per individual changed little. More mobile blackbirds were
therefore likely to have compensated for any increases in predation risk as
sociated with their greater ranges by decreasing winter mass gain, but will
have had an increased risk of starvation because of their lower mass. (C)
1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.