Orbital measurements of the cardiac function of Space Shuttle crew members
have shown an initial increase in cardiac stroke volume upon entry into wei
ghtlessness, followed by a gradual reduction in stroke volume to a level ap
proximately 15% less than preflight values. In an effort to explain this re
sponse, it was hypothesized that gravity plays a role in cardiac filling. A
mock circulatory system was designed to investigate this effect. Prelimina
ry studies carried out with this system on the NASA KC-135 aircraft, which
provides brief periods of weightlessness, showed a strong correlation betwe
en cardiac filling, stroke volume, and the presence or absence of gravity.
The need for extended periods of high quality zero gravity was identified t
o verify this observation. To accomplish this, the aircraft version of the
experiment was reduced in size and fully automated for eventual integration
into a Get Away Special canister to conduct an orbital version of the expe
riment. This article describes the automated system, as well as the develop
ment and implementation of a control algorithm for the servoregulation of t
he mean aortic pressure in the orbital experiment. Three nonlinearities tha
t influence the ability of the apparatus to regulate to a mean aortic press
ure of 95 mm Hg were identified and minimized. In preparation for a Space S
huttle flight, the successful function of the servoregulatory scheme was de
monstrated during ground tests and additional test flights aboard the KC-13
5. The control algorithm was successful in carrying out the experimental pr
otocol, including regulation of mean aortic pressure. The algorithm could a
lso be used for the automated operation of long-term tests of circulatory s
upport systems, which may require a scheduled cycling of the pumping condit
ions on a daily basis.