Crop-based agriculture occupies 1.7 billion hectares, globally, with a soil
C stock of about 170 Pg. Of the past anthropogenic CO2 additions to the at
mosphere, about 50 Pg C came from the loss of soil organic matter (SOM) in
cultivated soils. Improved management practices, however, can rebuild C sto
cks in agricultural soils and help mitigate CO2 emissions.
Increasing soil C stocks requires increasing C inputs and/or reducing soil
heterotrophic respiration. Management options that contribute to reduced so
il respiration include reduced tillage practices (especially no-till) and i
ncreased cropping intensity. Physical disturbance associated with intensive
soil tillage increases the turnover of soil aggregates and accelerates the
decomposition of aggregate-associated SOM. No-till increases aggregate sta
bility and promotes the formation of recalcitrant SOM fractions within stab
ilized micro- and macroaggregate structures. Experiments using C-13 natural
abundance show up to a two-fold increase in mean residence time of SOM und
er no-till vs intensive tillage. Greater cropping intensity, i.e., by reduc
ing the frequency of bare fallow in crop rotations and increasing the use o
f perennial vegetation, can increase water and nutrient use efficiency by p
lants, thereby increasing C inputs to soil and reducing organic matter deco
mposition rates.
Management and policies to sequester C in soils need to consider that: soil
s have a finite capacity to store C, gains in soil C can be reversed if pro
per management is not maintained, and fossil fuel inputs for different mana
gement practices need to be factored into a total agricultural CO2 balance.