Coral reefs can be classified using triangular diagrams based on coral morp
hology; these taxonomy-independent classes predict several aspects of conse
rvation value for coral reefs. Conservation classes (CC's) of 1, 2, 3 or 4
were assigned to reef sites dominated by massive and submassive corals (CC
1), foliose or branching non-Acropora corals (CC 2), Acropora corals (CC 3)
, or approximately equal mixes of these three end-members (CC 4). When appl
ied to 15 Indonesian coral reefs, aggregrate conservation class, the averag
e of the conservation class of all sites on that reef, was a reliable predi
ctor of coral species richness, habitat complexity. and rare coral species
occurrence. Aggregate conservation class predicted these aspects of conserv
ation value more reliably than the reef condition index currently used in s
outheast Asia, live coral cover, or coral mortality. Definitions of reef st
atus based solely on percentage of live coral cover should be supplemented
with other indices such as conservation class that more accurately predict
biodiversity value and fisheries potential. Coral morphology triangles and
conservation class can be used in zoning marine protected areas and other c
oral reef biodiversity conservation efforts. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd.
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