We developed a thermoregulatory model of sleep control based on the hypothe
sis that non-rapid eye-movement sleep participates in homeostatic thermoreg
ulation. This model successfully reproduced several qualitative features of
human sleep/wake cycles during entrained as well as the internally desynch
ronized states. Among the reproduced features, generation mechanisms of the
biphasic sleepiness distribution are studied here in the light of the mode
l structure. Harmonic analysis is employed for this purpose. Through linear
izations and confining the harmonics of the masking process to the fundamen
tal component, a simplified representation of sleepiness is obtained. The s
implified sleepiness is constructed with the fundamental circadian, the sec
ond harmonic components, and the constant (DC). The bimodality of the sleep
iness is shown to be made by the second harmonic which is added to the fund
amental component. The behavior of their amplitudes and phase positions are
investigated under the Varied sleep/wake durations and phase differences b
etween the oscillators. Since the sleepiness generated by our model is roug
hly mimicked by the simplified representation under diverse conditions, thi
s simplification can be regarded as adequate. From the behavior of the cons
tituents of respective harmonic components, the fundamental component is sh
own to originate from the sleep/wake masking process and the circadian osci
llators; the second harmonic from the multiplicative interactions between t
he circadian oscillators and the sleep/wake masking process. These results
indicate that the rhythmic processes are principal constituents of the slee
piness, at least in the steady state.