Objectives. To develop a visual analogue measure of self-esteem and test it
s psychometric properties.
Design. Two correlational studies involving samples of university students
and aphasic speakers.
Method. Two hundred and forty-three university students completed multiple
measures of self-esteem, depression and anxiety as well as measures of tran
sitory mood and social desirability (Study 1). Two samples of aphasic speak
ers (N = 14 and N = 20) completed the Visual Analogue Self-Esteem Scale (VA
SES), the Rosenberg (1965) self-esteem scale and measures of depression and
anxiety. (Study 2).
Results. Study 1 found evidence of good internal and test-retest reliabilit
y, construct validity and convergent and discriminant validity for a 10-ite
m VASES. Study 2 demonstrated good internal reliability among aphasic speak
Conclusion. The VASES is a short and easy to administer measure of self-est
eem that possesses good psychometric properties.