The mechanism of reactions H + XeOF4 --> OH + XeF4 (k(1a)), OH + 2F + XeF2
(k(1b)), HF + OF + XeF2 (k(1c)), HF + O + F + XeF2 (k(1d)) HF + OF + 2F + X
e (k(1e)), HF + O + 3F + Xe (k(1f)) is ascertained by virtue of probing a d
iffusion cloud in a helium now with mass spectrometric detection of the rea
gents and products in the sampled gas. Rate constant k(1) = (8.3 +/- 2) . 1
0(-14) cm(3)/(molec. . s) at T = 298 K was determined from measured XeOF4 c
onsumption. From the rate of formation of the products we determined indepe
ndently rate constants k(1a) = (2.5 +/- 0.4) . 10(-15), k(1b) = (5.7 +/- 0.
8) . 10(-15), k(1d) = (2.4 +/- 0.4) . 10(-14), k(1f) = (4 +/- 1.5) . 10(-14
) and estimated the sum k(1c) + k(1e) = 1 . 10(-15) cm(3)/(molec. . s).