There are four different variants of the kalilo "family" of linear mitochon
drial plasmids. This family is found in several heterothallic species and o
ne pseudohomothallic species of Neurospora, as well as in one homothallic s
pecies of Gelasinospora. The mode of dispersal of these plasmids is not kno
wn. Horizontal transmission has proved difficult to demonstrate. Another po
ssibility is transfer by introgression, and this is modelled in the present
paper. We have used introgression and subsequent heterokaryosis to success
fully transfer the LA-kalilo plasmid from a Haitian strain of Neurospora cr
assa to the standard Oak Ridge N. crassa background, the LA-kalilo plasmid
from the pseudohomothallic Neurospora tetrasperma to N. crassa, and the kal
ilo plasmid from N. crassa to N. tetrasperma. Thus, introgression is shown
to be a possible avenue of dispersal between species. The recipient strains
were all senescent but the mechanism of this senescence is not known, It c
ould be caused by the plasmids, but if so the mechanism is novel since plas
mid/mtDNA junction fragments of the type found in the standard mode of mtDN
A insertion could not be detected. However, mtDNA changes were observed in
the senescent recipients.