Accurate knowledge of transmission system parameters, such as series impeda
nce, optimizes distance relay settings and impedance-based fault location.
A new method is developed to measure transmission line impedances and admit
tances from synchronized phasor measurements. Power system voltage and curr
ent phasors were recorded during commissioning tests of a 525 kV transmissi
on system containing shunt and series compensation. Steady-state phase angl
es (delta) and magnitudes of line-side voltages and currents were measured
relative to a satellite-based global time standard at two substations. Fair
s of synchronized measurements were used to directly calculate real-time st
eady-state ABCD parameters. For comparison, two-port ABCD transmission syst
em parameters were derived by classical methods and from an ElectroMagnetic
s Transients Program (EMTP) transmission system design model.
To verify the accuracy of the measured parameters, a new method comparing f
ield measured with calculated power flows was developed. Sending-end power
flow was measured from accurate recordings and was compared with pourer flo
w calculated using the three estimates of ABCD parameters, sending-end volt
ages, and receiving-end voltages. Close agreement was found between field-m
easured pourer flows and calculations using the measured ABCD parameters.