Aims: it has been emphasized that the mesorectum is the key to local recurr
ence after resection for rectal cancer. In view of this we studied the loca
tion of recurrences, relative to the bed of the primary tumour, the neorect
um and the level of anastomoses, in patients referred for recurrences after
low anterior resection (LAR) in the 'pre-total mesorectal excision (TME) e
Methods: The relative level above the anal verge of the primary cancer, the
anastomosis and the recurrence was registered by proctoscopy in 46 patient
s operated on for recurrent cancer after low anterior resection. The origin
of the recurrence was determined from the operative specimen.
Results: The median level of the primary cancers was 10 cm above the anal v
erge, with the anastomoses 2 cm lower, the majority being within 2 cm. Most
recurrences were within 2 cm of the anastomosis. No rectal cancer occurred
more than 3 cm distal to the anastomosis. Seventy to 80% of recurrences st
arted peri-rectally, most invading the anastomosis.
Conclusions: The tumour bed is most often the origin of the recurrence. Rec
urrences were mostly due to inadequate radial, and in a few cases longitudi
nal, dissection of the mesorectum. Virtually all recurrences were within re
ach of the examining finger. At follow-up of rectal cancers most local recu
rrences can therefore be identified earlier by digital examination than by