Over the period of the ITER Engineering Design Activity (EDA) the results f
rom physics experiments, modelling, engineering analyses and R&D, have been
brought together to provide a design for an ITER divertor. The design sati
sfies all necessary requirements for steady state and transient heat flux,
nuclear shielding, pumping, tritium inventory, impurity control, armour lif
etime, electromagnetic loads, diagnostics, and remote maintenance. The desi
gn consists of 60 cassettes each comprising a cassette body onto which the
plasma facing components (PFCs) are mounted. Each cassette is supported by
toroidal rails which are attached to the vacuum vessel. For the PFCs the fi
nal armour choice is carbon-fibre-composite (CfC) for the strike point regi
ons and tungsten in all remaining areas. R&D has demonstrated that CfC mono
blocks can routinely withstand heat loads up to 20 MW m(-2) and tungsten ar
mour > 10 MW m(-2). Analysis and experiment show that a CfC armour thicknes
s of similar to 20 mm will provide sufficient lifetime for at least 1000 fu
ll power pulses. The thickness of the cassette body is sufficient to shield
the Vacuum vessel, so that, if necessary, rewelding is possible, and also
provides sufficient stiffness against electromagnetically generated loads.
The cassette design provides efficient and proven remote maintenance which
should allow exchange of a complete divertor within similar to 6 months. (C
) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.