The room temperature oxidation of [{Cp " Co}(3)(mu(3)-P)(2)] (1), Cp " = C5
H3Bu2t-1,3,with the whole series of chalcogens affords besides the double-o
xidized complexes [{Cp " Co}(3)(mu(3)-PX)(2)] (2a: X = O, 2b: X = S, 2c: X
= Se) the mono-oxidation products [{Cp " Co}(3)(mu(3)-P)(mu(3)-PX)] (3a X =
Se, 3b: X = Te). The reaction of [{Cp *Fe}{Cp " Co}(2)(P-4) (P)] (4) with
Se-(grey) at 0 degrees C gives the trinuclear complex [{Cp*Fe}{Cp " Co}(2)
(P4Se)(P)] (5) with the hitherto unknown P4Se ligand. 2a,b were additionall
y characterized by X-ray crystal structure determinations. (C) 1999 John Wi
ley & Sons, Inc.