The frequency with which ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is detected has in
creased greatly since the introduction of mammographic screening. The numbe
r of treatment options has also increased and mastectomy has been extensive
ly replaced by local excision with or without radiotherapy. DCIS is general
ly unicentric, as evidenced by the rarity with which it is bilateral and th
e location of recurrences at the site of previous surgery. Complete excisio
n is thus curative but assessing adequacy of excision is beset with signifi
cant technical problems and consequently margin involvement does not correl
ate very well with the presence of residual disease in the breast or the de
velopment of clinical recurrence. Lesion size is related to recurrence but
is also often difficult to measure. At the histological level, DCIS is a he
terogeneous group of proliferations varying in cytological and architectura
l features, some of which are related to clinical outcome. The traditional
method of classification was by growth pattern but was found to lack reprod
ucibility and prognostic power. As a consequence, several new classificatio
ns have been proposed in recent years. Some have been assessed more rigorou
sly than others in terms of the consistency with which they can be applied
and their ability to predict clinical outcome. There is strong evidence, ho
wever, that nuclear grade is the best predictor of recurrence and the time
scale over which it is likely to occur although presently it can be determi
ned with only fair to moderate consistency. Necrosis is also a useful featu
re when used in combination with nuclear grade, but specifically recognizin
g a comedo pattern appears to have little clinical value and is associated
with significant diagnostic inconsistency. No histological features to date
have been found to predict the development of invasive disease. Histologic
al assessment alone is insufficient to determine how patients with DCIS sho
uld be managed, which should also take account pathological assessment of e
xcision margins and lesion size as well as radiological and clinical featur