Among the major changes that undergraduate engineering curricula are underg
oing is the incorporation of design into freshman curricula. While the obje
ctive is to teach design so that students learn both engineering processes
and content knowledge, the open question remains: To what extent can freshm
an engineering students learn to do design? To date, few studies have actua
lly assessed acquisition of design skills. This paper presents the results
of one such study in which freshman engineering students mere asked to solv
e three short design problems, Half of the subjects solved the problems at
the beginning of the first semester, freshman year and the other half solve
d the problems at the beginning of the second semester, Results indicate th
at after only one semester of engineering, students show more sophisticatio
n in their design processes. However, while the quality of their problem so
lving approach improved, comparable improvements were not found in the qual
ity of their designs.