Six isolates of Aeromonas eucrenophila-2 from water and 4 from superficial
skin ulcer of cat fish-were examined for haemagglutination, serum sensitivi
ty, chitinase production and enterotoxicity, and correlation, if any,betwee
n them; only one strain showed haemagglutination and was inhibited by both
D-mannose and L-fucose, All the strains showed resistance to normal human s
erum, but produced chitinase; one of them elaborated inducible chitinase. A
ll these strains caused fluid accumulation only after 1-4 serial passages t
hrough rabbit ileal loops, of which one strain that elaborated inducible ch
itinase caused significantly more (p<0.005) fluid accumulation. These obser
vations indicate that there is no correlation between enterotoxicity and ha
emagglutination and/or serum resistance, and these properties did not chang
e after animal passage; However, a correlation could be observed between el
aboration of inducible chitinase and enterotoxin production.