S. Glasker et al., The impact of molecular genetic analysis of the VHL gene in patients with haemangioblastomas of the central nervous system, J NE NE PSY, 67(6), 1999, pp. 758-762
Objectives-Haemangioblastoma of the CNS occurs as a sporadic entity and as
a manifestation of the autosomal dominant von Hippel-Lindau disease with th
e major additional components retinal angioma, renal cancer, and pheochromo
cytoma. Genetic testing for germline mutations predisposing to von Hippel-L
indau disease has been available since identification of the VHL tumour sup
pressor gene. The impact of this testing was evaluated in patients with hae
mangioblastomas seen in this centre.
Methods-A register and database of patients with symptomatic haemangioblast
omas for the last 15 years was evaluated. The VHL gene was analysed by the
SSCP method for all exons and Southern blotting for mutations and deletions
of the gene.
Results-141 patients with haemangioblastoma of the CNS were registered. In
81 patients (57%) there was a disease predisposing germline mutation includ
ing eight novel mutations. Population related calculation of patients from
the administrative district of Freiburg disclosed VHL germline mutations in
22% of the patients with haemangioblastoma. Analysis of mutation carriers
for clinical information suggestive of the syndrome showed (1) a positive f
amily history of a brain tumour in 50%, (2) a history for the patient of ex
tracranial manifestations in 36% (retinal angioma 30%, pheochromocytoma 6%)
, and (3) 19% presenting with multiple brain tumours when first admitted. B
y genetic testing of haemangioblastoma patients without any indications of
von Hippel-Lindau disease mutation carriers were identified in 14%. Sensiti
vity of VHL germline testing was 86%.
Conclusions-DNA analysis for VHL germline mutations is clearly superior to
clinical information in the diagnosis of von Hippel-Lindau disease. Althoug
h the percentage of von Hippel-Lindau disease associated haemangioblastoma
decreases after the fourth decade of life and is infrequent in patients wit
hout other symptomatic lesions and a negative family history, it is recomme
nded that every patient with CNS haemangioblastoma should be screened for v
on Hippel-Lindau disease germline mutations. This provides the key informat
ion and enables screening for extraneurological tumours of the patients and
investigations of the patient's family to ameliorate management of von Hip
pel-Lindau disease.