Using a published correlation matrix (Lawrence & DeCicco, 1997), I re-evalu
ate the number of dimensions of paranormal belief supported by the revised
Paranormal Belief Scale (PBS; Tobacyk, 1988). I use two empirically validat
ed procedures (the minimum average partial and parallel analysis criteria)
to estimate the number of latent variables represented in this data set. Bo
th indicate that, for these data, the seven-factor solution favored by Toba
cyk and Milford (1983) and the five-factor solution favored by Lawrence, Ro
e, and Williams (1997) and Lawrence and DeCicco (1997) may represent overex
tractions. Instead, four latent variables may be all these data can support
. Numerous modifications should be made to the PBS before additional effort
is expended on the factor structure of its items or on the relative merits
of orthogonal and oblique rotation of its factors (Lawrence & DeCicco, 199
7; Lawrence et al., 1997).