The nonlinearization of the eigenvalue problems associated with the Toda hi
erarchy and the coupled Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) hierarchy leads to an integ
rable symplectic map S and an integrable Hamiltonian system (H-0), respecti
vely. It is proved that S and (H-0) have the same integrals {H-k} The quasi
-periodic solution of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equati
on is split into three Hamiltonian systems (H-0), (H-1), (H-2), while that
of the special (2 + 1)-dimensional Toda equation is separated into (H-0), (
H-1) plus the discrete Bow generated by the symplectic map S. A clear evolu
tion picture of various flows is given through the 'window' of Abel-Jacobi
coordinates. The explicit theta-function solutions are obtained by resortin
g to this separation technique.