Viewing the observed data of a statistical model as incomplete and augmenti
ng its missing parts are useful for clarifying concepts and central to the
invention of two well-known statistical algorithms: expectation-maximizatio
n (EM) and data augmentation. Recently, Liu, Rubin, and Wu demonstrated tha
t expanding the parameter space along with augmenting the missing data is u
seful for accelerating iterative computation in an EM algorithm. The main p
urpose of this article is to rigorously define a parameter expanded data au
gmentation (PX-DA) algorithm and to study its theoretical properties. The P
X-DA is a special way of using auxiliary variables to accelerate Gibbs samp
ling algorithms and is closely related to reparameterization techniques. We
obtain theoretical results concerning the convergence rate of the PX-DB al
gorithm and the choice of prior for the expansion parameter. To understand
the role of the expansion parameter, we establish a new theory for iterativ
e conditional sampling under the transformation group formulation, which ge
neralizes the standard Gibbs sampler. Using the new theory, we show that th
e PX-DA algorithm with a Haar measure prior (often improper) for the expans
ion parameter is always proper and is optimal among a class of such algorit
hms including reparameterization.