I propose proximal mechanisms that help explain, unify, and expand the pred
ictions of widely accepted empirical models of settlement in streams. I sep
arated the process that leads to settlement of a drifting particle into thr
ee stages: (1) initial contact with a substrate, (2) attachment, and (3) se
ttlement sensu stricto. I used physical principles (height above the bed, s
inking rate, current speed profile) to predict time until contact (stage 1)
. I compared these predictions with empirical measurements of settlement of
individual black fly larvae (Simulium vittatum) in a laboratory flume. I d
eveloped models from empirical data for stages 2 and 3. Each of these model
s is individual-based and predicts the fate of a single individual. To obta
in a population level prediction, models for the three stages were combined
and used to simulate the settlement of a group of black fly larvae. The pr
edictions of this simulation were qualitatively similar to population level
data from the literature particularly after the incorporation of channel-w
ide spatial heterogeneity in current speed. The effect of flow heterogeneit
y on the model agrees with previous work on the lateral transport of stream
invertebrates during drift events showing that many organisms settle prefe
rentially in slower areas. By using proximal principles, the approach used
in this study brings into focus basic parameters and processes that influen
ce settlement at the scale of the organisms. It also provides a null hypoth
esis against which to study the effect of local flow heterogeneity on the s
ettlement of stream invertebrates and the capacity of organisms to actively
influence settlement. Water currents in streams and rivers commonly transp
ort large numbers of organisms. Consequently, hydrodynamic factors that fav
or or hamper the settlement of these organisms can potentially influence di
stributions and abundance. Moreover, if settlement probabilities vary with
flow characteristics, this can in turn influence foraging strategies that r
ely on fluid-mediated dispersal.