Oral spirochetes were so-incubated with monolayers of endothelial cells see
ded into multiwell plates or onto haters mounted in plastic chambers. Attac
hment was assessed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and scanning
electron microscopy. Invasiveness was determined by monitoring media beneat
h filters within chambers for spirochetes using darkfield microscopy. Trans
mission electron microscopy was used to estimate intercellular and intracel
lular passage of spirochetes through monolayers. All tested treponemes atta
ched to monolayers in a dose- and time- dependent manner, except Treponema
phagedenis. A few treponemes were observed within host cell cytoplasm. Unid
entified spirochetes obtained from dental plaque were also invasive. Result
s indicate that oral spirochetes possess virulence-associated characteristi
cs shared with pathogenic spirochetes. Further studies should examine the p
ossibility that invasive spirochetes could disseminate from within affected