Within the QED effective action approach, we study the propagation of low-f
requency light at finite temperature. Starting from a general effective Lag
rangian for slowly varying fields whose structure is solely dictated by Lor
entz covariance and gauge invariance, ne derive the light cone condition fo
r light propagating in a thermalized QED vacuum. As an application, we calc
ulate the velocity shifts, i.e., refractive indices of the vacuum, induced
by thermalized fermions to one loop. We investigate various temperature dom
ains and also include a background magnetic field. While low-temperature ef
fects to one loop are exponentially damped by the electron mass, there exis
ts a maximum velocity shift of - delta nu(max)(2) = alpha/3 pi in the inter
mediate-temperature domain T similar to m. [S0556-2821(99)01622-7].