Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to analyse 5 cases of os
teopetrosis: 2 dominant and 3 recessive forms.
Material and methods Among five cases of children suffering from osteopetro
sis. There were three malignant and two benign forms. Three children affect
ed by malignant form, received a bone marrow transplantation.
Results Only one child who received a bone marrow transplantation was still
alive and cured (one died due to transplantation complications, the other
child died accidentally). The two children presenting a benign form were pe
riodically followed for iterative fractures and did not present serious com
Discussion Our analysis compared to literature review allows us to insist o
n bone marrow transplantation. This is the only possibility for these child
ren who were condemned in the past. The frequency of iterative fractures on
children presenting a dominant form necessitates medical and orthopedic fo
llow-up. Narrowness of the medullary canal, bone fragility contra indicates
intramedullary nailing when fixation is indicated.
Conclusion Osteopetrosis is an autosomal metabolic bone disease caused by a
n anormaly of osteoclasts action. Two main forms exist: the dominant form w
hich is benign, and the recessive form which is malignant. Actually recessi
ve forms can be treated and cured by bone marrow transplantation and the ch
ildren who were in the past condamned are saved. Children with dominant for
m must be followed up by an orthopaedic surgeon because of bone weakness. T
he increase in number of cases detected in immigrant populations with a hig
h rate of consanguineous marriages led us to present this study.