Although alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) usually obtains a high percentage of
its required N via symbiotic N fixation, additional fertilizer N applied on
ce in the spring can increase forage yields, However, little is known about
alfalfa yield response to low N rates (<50 lig N ha(-1)) immediately follo
wing each cutting. Low N rates (immediately following each rutting) were ev
aluated for total alfalfa dry matter production on a Grant silt loam (fine-
silty, mixed, thermic, Udic Argiustoll). This nonirrigated experiment was i
nitiated on a 2-yr-old alfalfa stand where sufficient P and K had been appl
ied. Nitrogen rates of 11, 22, and 44 kg N ha(-1) were applied immediately
following each cutting for 5 yr (4-5 cuttings yr(-1)). After 5 yr of contin
uous N application, no differences in soil NH4N or NO3N were found at depth
s >15 cm (0- to 240-cm sampling depth). In 1994, total alfalfa drg matter y
ield (sum of five harvests) increased 1.29 Mg ha(-1) from a total annual N
application of 110 kg N ha(-1) (22 kg N ha(-1) following each cutting). Tot
al forage N decreased from the second to the fifth harvest in most Sears. B
y-harvest dry matter yield increases due to applied N were only found in la
te-season harvests, consistent with late-season decreased N-2-fixing capaci
ty in alfalfa documented by others.