Background: Small organic molecules coupled to a carrier protein elicit an
antibody response on immunisation. The diversity of this response has been
found to be very narrow in several cases. Some antibodies also catalyse che
mical reactions. Such catalytic antibodies are usually identified among tho
se that bind tightly to an analogue of the transition state (TSA) of the re
levant reaction; therefore, catalytic antibodies are also thought to have r
estricted diversity. To further characterise this diversity, we investigate
d the structure and biochemistry of the catalytic antibody 7C8, one of the
most efficient of those which enhance the hydrolysis of chloramphenicol est
ers, and compared it to the other catalytic antibodies elicited in the same
Results: The structure of a complex of the 7C8 antibody Fab fragment with t
he hapten TSA used to elicit it was determined at 2.2 Angstrom resolution.
Structural comparison with another catalytic antibody (6D9) raised against
the same hapten revealed that the two antibodies use different binding mode
s. Furthermore, whereas 6D9 catalyses hydrolysis solely by transition-state
stabilisation, data on 7C8 show that the two antibodies use mechanisms whe
re the catalytic residue, substrate specificity and rate-limiting step diff
Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that substantial diversity may be pres
ent among antibodies catalysing the same reaction. Therefore, some of these
antibodies represent different starting points for mutagenesis aimed at bo
osting their activity. This increases the chance of obtaining more proficie
nt catalysts and provides opportunities for tailoring catalysts with differ
ent specificities.