A chemotaxonomic study of the genus Aloe indicates a remarkable quantitativ
e and qualitative similarity in leaf exudate composition between 12 species
. The diagnostic leaf exudate profile found in all representatives of this
group - a combination of homonataloin A and B with either or both of two re
cently described cinnamoyl chromones, aloeresin E and F, together with vari
ous coumaroyl chromones - may serve as a "fingerprint". Taxonomic assessmen
t and cladistic analysis of both morphological and chemical data support th
e transfer of A. pearsonii, previously misplaced in A. ser. Macrifoliae, to
A. ser. Mitriformes, and are consistent with the broadening of the circums
cription of the latter to include 5 anomalous species: A. angelica, A. yave
llana, A. peglerae, A. melanacantha, and A. erinacea.